Its never the wrong season for some dark and haunting music is it? As you can probably guess this is a late 1970’s horror soundtrack. Apparently its from a terrifying story based on actual events. The back cover text says:
-Exorcism is a visually stunning, wonderfully gruesome tale of horror brimming with eerie beauty and hallucinatory wonder.
...Several ancient roman stone tablets are unearthed in a roman tomb located in Yugoslavia by a team of british archaeologists. They are brought back to a collection in a small university town in northern England. Years later a professor of greek solves the mystery of the magical symbols added to one specific tablet. While reading the spell out loud, a curse is cast on his own wife and two daughters and ancient demon spirits are unleashed…
1. The Heartwood Institute - Astercote
2. The Unseen - Evidently the Spirits Have Taken Over
3. Antique Doll - Geraldine
4. Shane Wesley Scott - Funeral March of a Marionette
5. Danielle Dax - Numb Companions
6. Andrew Morgan - Darkening
7. Dylan Thomas - In Death Divided (by Thomas Hardy)
8. Chêne Noir - La Ballade De La Bête
9. The Old Sturbridge Singers - Funeral Anthem
10. Vinterhjärta - Det Tomma Huset
11. Extradition - A Water Song
12. Giorgio Gaslini - Frammenti
13. Haruomi Hosono - Temo Finala- Nokto de la Galaksia Fervojo
14. 최희준 / Huijun Choe - 불량소녀 장미 / A Disorderly Girl Called Rose
15. Brad Fiedel - Charlie's Cathedral, Charmed
16. Kitchen Cynics - The Land Between the Bedclothes and the Bed
17. James Dashow - Alice / Ritorno a Casa
18. Atrium Musica de Madrid & Gregorio Paniagua - Hymne Au Soleil
19. Earthstar - Cafe Exit (Icl. March Of The Flanged Angels)
20. Karen Black - Ballad in C
21. Fernando Yvosky - Exteriorizaciones De Un Mundo Interior
22. Catharsis - Ballade Des Pendus
23. Tri Atma Und Gyan Nishabda - Neun Muscheln
24. Les Fragments De La Nuit - Les Canons Du Ciel
25. Marienne Kreitlow - Rise to Greet the Sun
26. Futuro Antico - Eco Raga
27. Christodoulos Halaris - Hymn to Nemesis
28. Sarah Hopkins & Alan Lamb - The Winds of Heaven
29. The Heartwood Institute - The Bells Of Astercote