"The latest mix from Prabha Devi is a slower, more introverted mix. A collection of songs you can enjoy in private meditation but not really suited for being the soundtrack of a party unless its a valium or LSD affair. It's listening music for the loner, tonic for the vagabond, or companion songs for those on long train rides. Imagine sitting in a field with Ye-Ho-Wah disciples running around in white garments in the sunlight. This would be the soundtrack"
The inner sea (silver sea) - Alio Die & Sylvi Alli
Alleluliah - Constance Demby
Ave Maria - Aeoliah
Siren Shallows - Iasos
Mille Voix - Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe & Ariel Kalma
Moonpool - Panabrite
Awakening (excerpt) - Don Slepian
Dark Slumber - Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Te Deum - Martin Rev
Rowboat - Fourcolor
Games Again - Peter Broderick
Laraaji - Laraaji
Sour Cloud - Tetsu Inoue