Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Dream Weapons present: LORD DEATH’S COUNTING SONG C90

This whole idea sort of came to me while listening through an impressive stack of shares on Die or D.I:Y? containing music by (occasionally perverted, mass murderous) cults and all sorts of far out religious music.

-I went about compiling these ninety minutes pretty much like I’d direct a low budget exploitaiton film about a wacko cult (leader): A beautiful intro with happy children holding hands while dancing, laughing and singing in a field - then the screen goes black, a delightfully eerie main theme starts and the title appears in awesome blood red fonts... or something like that. After the whole cast, producer, director-routine, there’ll be a section showing seemingly innocent everyday life in the cult… Long beards and hair, bellbottoms, singing, nudity/orgies and Jesus sandals… But because they are batshit crazy things take a nasty turn. From there on it’ll just be a bunch of (beautifully shot) semirelated disturbing scenes until all hell breaks loose and everyone dies. End titles. Hey, I never claimed that I knew how to direct!

It depends a little on where you'd draw the line but I suppose less than half of the performers here were actual cult members. Whether scary, naive, beautiful or pure evil its mostly some kind of religious music and mainly Christian (+some occult, pagan etc... stuff). A handful of tunes are «secular/neutral» but moodwise appropriate soundscapes I simply needed to create a killer mix for you all -Moahaha

1 Veronique Chalot - Vent Frais, Vent du Matin
2 Zdeněk Liška - Vision Of The Temple
3 Randy Matthews - Flesh Of My Flesh
4 Rev. Jim Jones' People's Temple Choir - Black Baby (vocals, Marceline Jones)
5 Shoko Asahara - Lord Death's Counting Song
6 Massimo e Massimo - Swinging Cultists
7 Barbara, The Gray Witch - Me-O-Me
8 Harbinger - Open Doors
9 Mel Lyman Family - People Get Ready
10 Pastor John Rydgren - Dark Side of the Flower
11 Garrick's Fairground - For We Are Lost
12 The Heartwood Institute - The Old Ways
13 The Spectre Collector - How Can This Be So Wrong

14 Rev. Patrick J. Berkery, Ph.D. - Day of Wrath
15 The Search Party - Kyrie from "Jazz mass"
16 Good News Circle - I Wish We'd All Been Ready
17 Peter Zinovieff & Hans Werner Henze - Tristan (Short Section)
18 Sathya Sai Baba - Gayatri Mantra
19 Fire,Water,Air - Voyage
20 Charles Manson - Give Your Love to Be Free
21 The Christian Astronauts - Prepare to Fire
22 Troubled - No Excuse
23 Randy York - Wake Up
24 Toadstone - Circle of Stones
25 Constance Demby - Sant Ji
26 Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc.
featuring Elizabeth Clare Prophet - Decree 10.05 (edit)
27 Llehctim Inoj - (tide) Emag Elcric Eht



  1. Dare I say Fucking brilliant mix? Spread the word brother 'cus we is a goin' t'hell, if we ain't already there!?

    1. Thanks Jonny! 1/4th of its contents was originally found on your blog (including the title-tune), so that's certainly much appreciated.

      The end is near and I still haven't located that one true cult to join with that one true pervert to follow blindly. You know the one that'll save me and the rest of its fortunate few members - while not giving two shits about the rest.

  2. Ah, the search for the Perfect Pervert.....it goes on. We must search him out to save us chosen onesfrom the impending arrival of Planet Nibiru....ps have you seen the new Manson posts? Someone commented that Charlie was his greatest inspiration on the 'Lie' post....even saying 'I Love Charlie Manson' to start with......i think he wasn't joking either!?

    1. I hadn't seen it until now and I’m certain its no joke. There's probably thousands like him - inspired by Charles Manson’s environmentalism (lol). As for myself I became a vegetarian because of Hitler* and I’m sure there'a "Josef Fritzl - misunderstood father"-message board out there somewhere too.

      (*a joke)

  3. Sayyy - this sure is a swell blog! Thanks for the blog list link - back atcha!

    1. Thanks! As is yours Farquhar Throckmorton III - I just recently stumbled over it, and both your shares and your writing is brilliant.

  4. Hey, hey. Thanks again, Moahaha! Been a while since i been here..

    1. Hey hey Big Sun and welcome back! New mix coming up soon
